Stem cell cosmetics are the talk of the town!
What is human stem cell culture medium?
With the development of regenerative medicine, "human stem cell cosmetics" have become a hot topic in the beauty industry in recent years. Many of you may have heard of it before, as it is often featured on TV and in magazines. But what exactly are stem cells? Is stem cell culture medium safe? Many people must have such questions.
In this column, we will explain human stem cell culture medium and its effects.
Table of Contents
- What are human stem cells?
- Effects of Human Stem Cell Culture Solution on Skin
- Points to keep in mind when selecting cosmetics
- Human Stem Cell Culture Solution has effects on more than just skin!
- Human Stem Cell Culture Solution for Eyelash Growth!
- Effects of Human Stem Cell Culture Solution on Eyelashes

What are human stem cells?
First, "stem cells" are cells that have two abilities.
(1) Cells that can divide into cells with the same characteristics as themselves (self-renewal)
(2) A cell that can produce cells with different characteristics from itself (differentiation ability)
Most cells have only the ability of (1). Blood cells become blood and muscle cells become muscle. Stem cells, however, are special in that they have the ability to do not only (1) but also (2). They can become any cell in the body, including blood and muscle cells. It is hoped that these properties can be applied to medicine to repair and regenerate damaged tissues and organs.
There are three types of stem cells
There are three major types of stem cells: human stem cells derived from humans, plant stem cells derived from plants, and animal stem cells derived from horses and pigs.
Human stem cells: Stem cells derived from fat, mainly from human subcutaneous fat, are used. Because they are human-derived, they are less likely to cause allergies or cancer and are more easily absorbed into the human skin.
Plant stem cells : Seed embryos and root tips, which have active cell division, are mainly used. While antioxidant and moisturizing effects can be expected, it should be noted that the effects are not uniform depending on the plant from which the stem cells are harvested, and that care should be taken to avoid allergies to plants.
Animal Stem Cells : Stem cells from horse, pig, and sheep placentas, which are similar in structure to human skin stem cells, are mainly used. However, their safety, including serious allergies, has not been confirmed, and they have not yet been put into practical use.
~Human stem cells are active in the beauty industry and medical field~.
Human stem cells are now used in the beauty industry and in the medical field because they are considered to be skin-friendly. In the beauty industry, stem cells are used in skin care products, as well as in eyelash serums. In addition, since stem cells are formed in tissues responsible for tissue regeneration, they are also attracting attention in the field of regenerative medicine and are expected to be put to practical use in the future.
From the standpoint of safety, human stem cells and plant stem cells are used in cosmetics. Plant stem cell-derived cosmetics are relatively inexpensive and easy to use, but human stem cell-derived products are often used in high-value-added products.

What is human stem cell culture medium?
Although stem cell cosmetics are called "stem cell cosmetics," what is actually used in the cosmetics is not stem cells but "stem cell culture medium. Stem cell culture medium" is the supernatant of the liquid (culture medium) from which stem cells are grown, minus the stem cells. The supernatant fluid contains many growth factors and active substances released by stem cells during their growth and proliferation. Growth factors, also called growth factors, are substances that promote cell proliferation and differentiation. Active substances are also called cytokines and are substances that activate cells. By applying a culture medium rich in these substances to the skin, the following effects can be expected.

Effects of human stem cell culture medium on the skin
Improvement of wrinkles, sagging and lines
Human stem cell culture medium works on the fibroblasts of the skin to promote the production of collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid, which in turn gives moisture and firmness to the skin and improves wrinkles, sagging skin, and fine lines.
Whitening effect
Human stem cell culture fluid stimulates turnover by activating keratinocytes in the epidermis, thereby preventing the formation of spots and pigmentation and making them lighter.
Improvement of adult acne and rough skin
By moisturizing the skin and restoring the normal turnover cycle, human stem cell culture medium improves adult acne and rough skin caused by dryness and disruption of turnover. Since human stem cell culture fluid is effective by activating skin cells, it is recommended to use it in one's 20s, when skin metabolism begins to decline, regardless of skin type.

Points to keep in mind when selecting cosmetics
When looking for stem cell culture fluid cosmetics, be sure to check what the stem cell culture fluid is derived from. In addition to human-derived stem cell culture fluid, there are animal-derived and plant-derived stem cell culture fluid. Currently, the most commonly used stem cells in cosmetics and medicine are fat-derived stem cells harvested from human subcutaneous fat. Adipose-derived stem cell culture fluid," which is secreted from those stem cells, contains many growth factors and other substances that are effective in anti-aging care*. When selecting human stem cell culture fluid cosmetics, check the concentration of the human stem cell culture fluid. Undiluted or highly concentrated formulations are expected to be more effective. The total ingredients listed on the back of the package are listed in order of the ratio of added ingredients, so please refer to them. Also, pay attention to the ingredients listed in addition to human stem cell culture fluid.
- *Care with age-appropriate cosmetics.

Human stem cell culture medium has effects on more than just the skin!
In addition to its skin care effects, human stem cell culture medium has been shown to act on weakened hair follicles to promote hair growth and hair regrowth. Human stem cell culture medium, when acting on the skin, has the effect of activating skin cells and promoting turnover, but did you know that hairs also have a fixed cycle called the "hair cycle"?
The hair cycle of hair growth
Early growth stage: Hair follicle stem cells become "hair matrix cells" at the bottom of the hair follicle. The hair matrix absorbs nutrients, divides repeatedly, and begins to grow as a new hair. 2.
Growth phase Hair matrix cells actively divide and grow from fine hairs at first to thick and firm hairs. 3.
Regression: Nutrients are no longer being supplied to the hair matrix cells, and hair growth ends. 4.
4. resting phase: A period of rest between the shedding of hairs and the production of new hairs.
Human Stem Cell Culture Solution activates hair matrix cells by stimulating hair growth factors in "hair matrix cells" and restores the disrupted hair cycle to normal, thereby exerting a hair-growing effect. The hair cycle cycle is generally 5-6 years for hairs and 3-5 months for eyelashes. While the turnover of skin lengthens with age, the hair cycle of hairs is the opposite, becoming shorter and shorter with age. In particular, it is known that the "growth phase" of the hair cycle is shortened, making it difficult for hairs to grow long and strong.

Human Stem Cell Culture Solution for eyelash growth!
It is widely known that hair tends to thin out with age, but in fact, eyelashes also tend to fall out and grow harder due to the aging process. Not only that, but since eyelashes are subject to more external damage than hair, they need to be taken care of even more on a daily basis.
Causes of eyelash damage other than aging areFriction and irritation during eye makeup: Rubbing the skin when applying eye makeup can damage the skin and eyelashes. Also, pulling the eyelashes with an eyelash curler puts strain not only on the eyelashes but also on the hair follicles.
If your eyelashes do not receive sufficient nutrition due to dieting or poor diet, they will not receive enough nutrients and will not be able to grow strong eyelashes. In addition, if you do not get enough nutrition due to stress, exercise
If the flow of blood is sluggish due to stress, exercise, lack of sleep, etc., it will not be possible to deliver nutrients to the eyelashes.
Do you rub your eyes or pull out your eyelashes when your eyes become itchy due to hay fever? You may be damaging not only the skin of your eyelids but also the cells that grow eyelashes.
If you know that you are damaging your eyelashes on a daily basis, you can expect the following effects by using an eyelash serum containing human stem cell culture medium.

Effects of human stem cell culture medium on eyelashes
1. strengthens newly growing eyelashes
The proliferation of hair follicle stem cells by human stem cell culture medium will promote the proliferation of hair matrix cells, resulting in the production of thicker and stronger eyelashes. It also works on the eyelashes and the skin that serves as their foundation to support healthy eyelash growth.
2. grow existing eyelashes faster and longer
By activating hair matrix cells, it increases the speed of eyelash growth. By protecting the eyelashes and skin from damage and providing sufficient nutrition, it grows eyelashes longer.
3. prevent eyelashes from falling out
The base of the eyelash is supported by the follicle and the adhesive proteins between the follicles. Human stem cell culture medium repairs damaged hair follicles and strengthens weak adhesion proteins to maintain longer eyelashes.
How was it? Why not try using human stem cell culture fluid cosmetics for your beauty concerns that increase with age?